Sunday, February 4, 2007

New Stuff on the Sidebar

Ever since I started these blogs, I've struggled with how to get more traffic to them. The only strategy I've been able to come up with is leaving comments on the blogs of others, thereby hopefully letting others know I exist. So once again, I laced up my boots, strapped on my pack, and began traversing the Great Interweb in search of comment-worthy blogs. I'm not going to be one of those "hey d00ds chek out this kewl site" assholes who comments on everything I see.

As always, I had to pan through a lot of silt to get the nuggets of gold. I always skip the blogs written in other languages (if I can't understand them, their readers won't understand me), the boring ones about money and software, the ones that look to be merely Adsense farms and those clearly intended for the poster's friends and family almost exclusively (what am I going to do, say "Hey, cute kids! Looks like you had fun at Disneyworld, strangers!" Ewwwww....creepy.) A lot of times I get pissed off and return to my humble abode. I guess today is no different in a way, but today I return bearing links. I found some good stuff out there, and I put it on the sidebar here and over at my other blog. Enjoy!


Michael Bains said...

I see you're a Potter fan and looking for interesting blogs to scope so I'm thinking that Lance Mannion (his Real Name - lol) might just satisfy a couple o' cravings.

Have fun.


(BTW, Found you via Colorado Bob's.)

Durward Discussion said...

Thank you for the wonderful links. As a lover of both books and history, you site is a great find. Got here courtesy of Colorado Bob. He seems to be spreading the word of the jewel he discovered.

Anonymous said...

I visited you at the suggestion of Colorado Bob, who asked that we encourage you to check out crawfordslist. I'm turned off by your crude language when there's no need for it, but I realize that puts me in the minority, not you.
Good luck with your blog. I'll send my kids, who are Rowling and Tolkien fans, and use far different language when speaking with members of your/their generation, than when talking to me.