Saturday, November 1, 2008

NaBloPoMo, Day 1

Yes, I'm doing it again! Last year, it was fun and addictive. I looked for new groups on the NaBloPoMo site to join everyday, I made up a few of my own, I was constantly checking my profile for comments and friend requests...good times. If you're doing it too, you can find me over there here.

Unfortunately, I don't have a whole lot to say today. I'm reading Bridge of Sighs by Richard Russo, which was a slow start but has gotten good. Halloween was a bit of a disappointment this year. Last year was like an ideal Halloween in my neighborhood. I was mobbed with adorable kids in clever costumes. I dressed up as a witch to give out the candy, which they all loved. This year, there were a lot fewer kids, and many more older kids who didn't dress up. I started at around6 and shut it down around 8:30. But I did find a true gem: TCM showed a ton of old horror movies. They were only about an hour and a half long each, so we watched three or four of them, with Vincent Price and Boris Karloff and guys like that. They had a theme of movies based on H.P Lovecraft stories. I tried a book of them last year, read one and had the crap scared out of me, but maybe I'll try again...


lupingirl said...

Halloween was a bit disappointing here, too. We had one trick-or-treater. One.

Looking forward to reading your posts this month!

Maricello said...

Hi Library Diva, Just checking in to see who is doing NaBloPoMo this year. I see you are up for it too. I enjoyed reading your blog last November, but sort of lost track of it over the year. Looking forward to reading your interesting blog again.

We never have any trick-or-treaters, and abandoned the house entirely this year to see "The Invisible Man," local community theater. Not quite scary enough, but fun.