Sunday, November 13, 2011

Hunger Games teaser trailer

The full trailer is supposed to debut during Good Morning, America tomorrow.

"May the odds be ever in your favor."


Saints and Spinners said...

Thanks for the notice-- I have been wondering when the full trailer will come out. I am looking forward to the arrival of this film, knowing that it may not live up to the images in my head, but being willing to allow for the director to have his vision of the story.

chris said...

I'm excited for the movie, but I feel very underwhelmed by the trailer. :(

chris said...

Okay, I saw the full trailer - awesome! Can't wait!

Library Diva said...

I'm excited to see it on the big screen, though the scene in the full trailer where Peeta tells Katniss that he wants to die as himself concerns me. In the book, she gets really angry with him for suggesting that he won't make it out, and I hope that's not an early warning sign that she'll be a wimpier character in the movie. Also, I still think Robert Downey, Jr. would have made an awesome Haymitch. But otherwise, I'm pretty excited!

Daniel Del Ferraro said...

I'm excited to see Hunger Games and I know that all the kids that I teach are just as excited, but... But. I don't know. :) I don't sense that same kind of energy that I felt when I read the book.